Statement on Racial Injustice

July 1, 2020

The SongWorks Educators Association Board of Directors affirms that Black lives matter, and we condemn the violence against Black communities today as well as the historic oppression of Black people. Injustice impacts the lives of Black, Brown, Indigenous, and marginalized people everywhere, and we support the efforts of all those who are working against systemic racism and prejudice.

SongWorks teaching draws its strength and purpose from a set of Principles of Teaching and Learning that uphold the inherent value of all people, beginning with: “Students have the right to be treated with respect and dignity.” To maintain the integrity of our principles, we must commit to naming and working against any and all injustice. We believe music education can support students in building bonds, understandings, and friendships across racial and cultural differences. To do that we must commit to the vital work of addressing racism in all forms.

The SWEA Board takes responsibility for educating ourselves about active ways to be anti-racist in our teaching, our classrooms, and our communities. We support teachers in their commitment to the work of continually bringing our professional practices closer to our principles. We begin this journey with humility, knowing we will make mistakes along the way. We are ready to listen, learn, and grow.