2025 Conference Visiting Scholar

by Vicky Suárez

November 2024

The Visiting Scholar Program was established in 2016 by Dr. Peggy D. Bennett, and is currently coordinated by Vicky Suárez. The program brings university professors and leaders in education and music education to our Annual Conference, and introduces those in positions of leadership and teacher preparation to our ways of implementing and developing the principles and practices of the SongWorks approach. The program asks our Visiting Scholar guests to simply be among us, observing, conversing, and reflecting on our approach, and offer insights, reflections, and commentaries on the last day of the SWEA conference.

Michael Chandler

Michael Chandler, PhD

Coordinator of Music Education & Associate Professor of Music
Austin Peay State University
Clarksville, TN

Our Visiting Scholar for the 2025 Conference will be Dr. Michael Chandler of Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee. Dr. Chandler taught music and movement to children in Texas public schools for 16 years. In addition to teaching at APSU, he is a children’s choral director and accompanist, and is a nationally recognized practitioner of the Orff Schulwerk approach to music education. His research interests are music teacher longevity and creativity in music, both of which are topics supported by SongWorks principles and practices. We are looking forward to hosting Dr. Chandler and learning with and from him!

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Playing with Sally

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